Well it took me about 1 and 1/2 hours to do my mother's saddle. The only roses the color that I wanted was on a wreath. It was really hard to undo the wire. She loved peach colored flowers. The center is a small plaque. The little boy and girl Precious Moments are window hangings. She had 2 whimsical pictures hanging in her extra bedroom of a little boy and girl. She said they reminded her of Stan and Terry Ann. I thought this was a little similar. I got 7 saddles and 10 flower pots finished in the last 3 days.
Hope this finds everyone well. All are in my prayers.
Love and hugs, Janie
You could make these and sell them near holidays if you wanted to. Very pretty.
Hi Janie, I agree that you could certainly sell your floral arrangements.
For years my Mom had two large pictures of a girl with big brown eyes..she always said that they reminded her of my niece..
Hugs, Sheri
P.S...I agree with you on your last comment to me..lol
Thses are very pretty. Good job! Helen
You do beautiful work and are coming along just great.
You did a wonderful job hon! (Hugs)Indigo
I told you you could sell them...they look so much better than the ones in the stores! She will love it! Love you!
all your arrangments are beautiful! would love to put something pretty like that for my moms grave but someone would steal it! they are very bad about that around here :( its almost friday yay! hugs
Wow Janie those turned out really nice. Wish you were here to make some. Kelly
WOW! Those are beautiful... you are so creative Janie. I hope you are doing okay... take care.
Yep, you are talented. You should open an Etsy account and start selling these things!! :o)
I just LOVE them!!!! Anne
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