Have you guessed what it is yet?? lol

Hope this finds all of you well and have been keeping all of you in my prayers. I think I need some prayers... to quit spending money! I think I am finished shopping! lol
Love, Hugs, and Prayers, Janie
Hope this finds all of you well and have been keeping all of you in my prayers. I think I need some prayers... to quit spending money! I think I am finished shopping! lol
Love, Hugs, and Prayers, Janie
Thought that I would drop in and say hello to everyone and hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas. I have taken a well deserved break... but what did I get accomplished?? Thanksgiving and Christmas is now behind all of us. What did I get for Christmas?? Lakota got sprayed by the mean ole skunk again, Christmas night!! Thank goodness that it was 60 degrees out that night. Of course it was in the early morning hours. I was going to put him in the garage but decided to put him in his kennel. It was not raining but a heavy dew. He did not smell by noon the next day. The Lord must take care of his animals with natural elements. lol Shawnee had a tiny smell around her neck and Lakota must have rubbed up against her. I think one night of staying out taught her a lesson; but you can't teach these males anything!! lol (Sorry Randy and Tom... the truth hurts. hehehe)
Gary went to church this evening but I just did not feel like it tonight. I have sold some things on e-b-a-y and of course bought too much. I bought a shower curtain that has horses on it and one of them looks just like Miss Gracie. lol I will have to show it when I get it done (next spring haha) I bought some Native American wallpaper border and I just LOVE it. It has painted Indian horses and little drawings of buffalo in the background. I will have everything in the house pasted up with that wallpaper border. lol Hmmmm I also bought a wolf shower curtain. I showed Gary the photos and he said to get both shower curtains... so I did. We don't really buy each other something for Christmas anymore, so guess that is my Christmas gifts.
You know our life changes everyday and we should really prepare ourselves for change. I just HAVE to share this. Retirement is really different. In the beginning Gary was in a hurry to do everything! For the first time he called about car insurance the first of the year. I heard him say something about miles on the car and driving slower to save on gas. Before he retired we use to go driving down the road like a Texas tornado, bumper to bumper with the person in front of us, even though it was the person 2 cars in front of them that was making traffic go at a snails pace of 70 miles and hour. lol (The floor board of the car was getting a lot of wear and tear on it from me bracing myself). Now all of a sudden we drive down the road doing 60 miles and hour (speed limit is 65) with traffic backed up behind us and Gary telling them to get around him if they want to go faster. I just look out the window as they pass the old codgers. lol He must like going slower now because I have even experienced 55 miles an hour the last couple of weeks.
I won't be back on for the next week. I have 3 days left to get my eyes checked. Leave it to me... why do today what you can put off until tomorrow! Right? Wishing all of you a wonderful week with lots of blessings and will try to stop in and comment a little more than I have been doing. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
We are all human; are we not? Funny how we can go through this world and somehow carry the world on our shoulders. Friends and acquaintances seem to have a little effect on us.... but yet when someone that we love; or should love us... hurt us so deeply.
Being human we have this image of ourselves and what we are. Sometimes it is hard to visualize how we appear to others. We have these little kinks in our personality that became part of us through no fault of our own. The way our eyes look at others, our body language, our expressions, our language when we express ourselves, loss of words at times, our temper, and our dignity.
What life throws at us is the outcome of who we are and how we respond to life's situations. Most have not had the choice of how they were raised, rich or poor, sickness, handicapped, or how they have to live. We do have a choice in many things. Many times our own choices have determined where we are today and the happenings in our life in the present. Many times we have to stay in the situation that we have gotten ourselves in; simply to protect our children from a worse situation, or being secure.
I did make one choice in life that I will never regret; accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior. If you have not accepted Him yet, then you have no idea of what I am talking about. Life still throws things my way and I still get hurt by those that I love. How we handle those situations depends on us. We can either let the hurt conquer us or make us stronger .... maybe for harder times that will come our way in life. When someone hurts me I can call on my Lord and He wraps His arms around me. It does not stop all the pain but He never lets me receive more than I can handle. Paul wrote this about the thorn in his side.
Corinthians 12: 9-10)
9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
None of us can be perfect. Each of us handle situations in a different way. God told us that there is Faith, Hope, and Charity; but the greatest of all .... Is Love. He commands us to Love One Another. Silence is not a sign of weakness; but rather a sign of strength. It is so hard for me to be silent at times; but words can never be taken back. Out of all that we want in life I feel like all of us; no matter how vile we are, want to be loved.
My prayer for you today is: To feel loved and needed. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
I got up this morning and I figured Gary was in the barn. I turned the coffee pot on to have a fresh cup of coffee. For the last week I have been putting his coffee in a thermos. He gets up at 5:30 and I get up at 8:00. By the time I get up the coffee taste like it is almost burnt. lol I thought it was taking him longer to feed the horses and clean the stalls this morning. While I was drinking a cup of coffee he walked in the door with 12 red roses. The local grocery store did not have red roses and he drove 12 miles to the next city to buy me red roses. lol One of the roses was broken so I took a close up photo of it. I also got a Kirby vacuum but the lady told me not to tell anyone what I gave for it or she would go out of business. lol She has to meet a quota each month to keep her license.
We went to the Assistant Living today and I sang "Why Me Lord" and "Roses Will Bloom Again". Need to practice some new songs. Have forgotten the words to many of them that I have sang over the years. I got my hair cut last week and I really needed a hair cut!! This is the style... something that I can just run my fingers through! So easy! I took the photo in my 3 way mirror. lol Here is a photo of the last jacket coat that I bought on ebay this summer. This is the back of it.
Hope all of you have a wonderful week with lots of blessings. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
Shawnee was glad to get in the house. Asked her if a skunk sprayed her in 2nd photo. She later stretched out on the towel and took a nap. She wants to do what I tell her. She is a very good dog... both are but Shawnee wants to please me. They are both exhausted and glad to get back in the house. The skunk spray is really strong and gives me a headache! I tried tomato juice and it did not work on Lakota. This Vet brand has a sprayer on the bottle and it works sooo much better than Skunk Off. It also has twice as much as Skunk Off.
Wishing all of you a blessed Saturday. Prayers & hugs, Janie
A couple of years later I went to Olan Mills and had some more photos taken with Charity. lol She did a little better the next time.
Charity was 10 and 12 years old in these photos. She lived until the age of 16 1/2 years old.
Wednesday Gary, Terry Ann, Carlie, and I went to the zoo for a school activity. Terry Ann had a group of 4 little giggling girls to escort around the zoo. They were all so cute! First photo is Carlie and then all the little girls together.
They are all cute at this age. Gary asked the little red headed girl if she had a boyfriend. Most little girls will say "No!" Well this little girl told Gary that she had a boyfriend and she kissed him right on the mouth!! lol Too funny! We left early and I asked Terry Ann if they all had fun. She said yes and they wore her out! To have that kind of energy now!
Wishing all of you a blessed Friday and weekend. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
Top 10 Predictions No Matter Who Wins The Election:
1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. Prayer will still work.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.
and God approves this message!
Wishing all of you a wonderful week with lots of blessings. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
Wishing all of you a blessed Friday and Happy Halloween. All are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
Wishing all of you a blessed Sunday. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
Hope all of you have a wonderful week. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
He stood there and let me pet him. His mane is really strange looking. Looks like a hook rug or something. He has the cross mark on his back. The kind that Jesus rode on Palm Sunday. He already STINKS!! because he is already SPOILED!! lol
I hope that this finds everyone well. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
This is the block for mom and I will paint the other one for next Memorial Day. I like to get things like this as much as I do flower arrangements.
Thought I would show a couple of photos of the miniature horses. This will show how small they really are.
This is Snow Satin with Gary.
This is Speedy Moon with Gary.
I have commented on some journals but just have not felt too good so will have to get caught up. Hope this finds everyone well. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless, Janie
While I was trying to get Harley in the barn, Miss Gracie was eating.
Miss Gracie looks like a big horse when she looks over the stall. lol
But this why!! lol She stands in her feeding bin to look over. lol
Poor Shawnee (female) and Lakota (male)... they just don't understand why they can't go in the stalls.
Wishing all of you a blessed week with lots of blessings. All of you are in my prayers. God Bless and hugs, Janie